Thursday, May 27, 2010

Body Gospel

For all the church goers out there!!! This is a FANTASTIC way to get in shape while praising God at the same time! Available tomorrow 5/28!!! Start your church workout groups now!

P90X Week 12

I can't believe we've made it this far! This hasn't been easy, but it has been a wonderful journey that I will NEVER forget! As I reflect over the past few months, I am so proud of myself and my hubbie and for all the people that I have helped inspire along the way!
I can honestly say that I feel better now than I've ever felt in my life! I can't wait to take my "after" pics and see how far I've come physically, but mentally I feel amazing!
My p90X chapter may be coming to a close, but I'm already looking forward to the next chapter...P90X PLUS!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

No More Excuses...I'm Ready to Bring It!

Check out our group on Facebook! I set up this group for anyone currently working out with Beachbody programs, so that we could all motivate each other and share experiences! It's always more fun to work out with friends! :)!/group.php?gid=103104149732694

My new website!

If you would like more information on any of the Beachbody programs, P90X, Insanity, Turbo Jam, Chalean Extreme, Slim in 6, or many others, check out my website for all the info! There's even a comparison chart to help you decide which program would work best for you!
Contact me with any questions and I'll be happy to help you decide on something. :) Hope to hear from you all soon!

Becoming a Team Beachbody Coach

After a couple months of being extremely successful with P90X and feeling on top of the world, I realized how passionate I was about this product and how much I wanted everyone to experience what I was feeling! This is when I decided to become an Independent Team Beachbody Coach!
Being a coach is the perfect job for me because I LOVE to help and motivate people, make friends, and truthfully need a little extra cash right now...LOL
I love telling my success story and helping others achieve their own goals. Each time I hear someone say that they LOVE the program and that it's working for them, it makes me realize how much this is what I'm meant to do with my life! The feeling of helping someone through a tough time, whether it's a fitness goal or even a weight loss goal, means everything to me. My only regret is that I didn't get off the couch sooner! :)
I have never been happier or more confident in my life, and I hope I can inspire others to stop making excuses and do the same! We ALL deserve to feel this good!

The Beachbody Solution

Watch this to learn more about becoming a coach!
