Friday, April 30, 2010

Why I started P90X

Two months ago I was a different person.... I was about 10 pounds over weight...depressed and insecure...tired all the time...felt like I had no time for time for working out...and I had a LOT of excuses!
I had always been thin, the type of person that could eat a cheeseburger every meal of the day and never gain a pound, but motherhood and entering my thirties began to catch up with my metabolism and suddenly it wasn't so easy to stay thin anymore.
I never realized that although I was thin, I was NOT in shape! I couldn't even do one modified push-up, got winded walking up a flight of stairs, wanted to take a nap after a trip to the mall with the kids, not good. I tried running on an elliptical machine to get in shape, but a mere 20 minutes felt like cruel torture, and when I didn't see results in a couple days, I lost motivation and got depressed all over again.
2 months ago, a friend recommended that I try P90X, because although it would be really hard at first, it would give me the fast results that I needed to stay motivated. My husband (who had been going to the gym everyday) decided to try home workouts for a while and do the program with me because he was interested to see the results too. Truthfully, I think we were both a bit skeptical about whether something we saw on infomercials could actually work! LOL
We purchased the program and decided to put 150% into it! We worked out our nutrition plan, rearranged our schedules to fit in the workouts, and we were off!
The first night I thought Tony Horton was trying to kill me....ok....the first couple weeks I felt that way! LOL I could barely do anything he was asking me to do, and I never felt so weak in my life! I was sore, tired, miserable, but something inside me made me keep going.
By the next couple weeks, I was already seeing drastic improvements in my body, and in the number off reps and exercises I was suddenly able to do. Not to mention, I had TONS of energy and was excited for our workouts everyday! We had no problem following the nutrition plan, and now it's like second nature! By the end of month 2 I had lost 7 pounds and 3 inches off my waist and I felt amazing!
I am now about to complete my first week of month 3 and I've never felt better! I am now able to do over 100 modified push-ups and just this week I did 12 REAL push-ups, a HUGE accomplishment for me! I've already purchased P90X Plus for the next 90 days, because I can't just can't get enough! :) Who knows....there might even be a bit of Insanity in my future!!!

The Beachbody Solution

Watch this to learn more about becoming a coach!
